NusaSMS Blog

SMS & WhatsApp Blast Solution in Indonesia – Trusted Since 2014

Mengenal OTP WhatsApp dan OTP SMS

Mengenal OTP WhatsApp dan OTP SMS

Mengenal OTP WhatsApp dan OTP SMSMengenal OTP One-Time Password (OTP) merupakan kode verifikasi yang dikirimkan ke nomor ponsel seseorang yang mengajukan permintaan. Kode sekali pakai ini berfungsi untuk memastikan bahwa hanya orang yang berwenang yang mendapat akses...

Manfaat SMS LBA bagi Pengiklan & Pelanggan

Manfaat SMS LBA bagi Pengiklan & Pelanggan

Manfaat SMS LBA bagi Pengiklan & Pelanggan Pernahkah Anda menerima SMS promosi saat sedang berada pada lokasi tertentu? SMS promo beli 1 gratis 1 dari restoran ayam yang berada di dekat Anda misalnya. SMS LBA (Location Based Advertising) memungkinkan Anda (sebagai...

Strategi Meningkatkan Customer Experience Menggunakan SMS/WhatsApp Inbox

Strategies to Improve Customer Experience Using SMS/WhatsApp Inbox

Strategies to Improve Customer Experience Using WhatsApp Inbox. In the digital economy movement, the implementation of marketing efforts is more focused on customer satisfaction. The experience felt by customers when using a product/service will have an impact on...

Mengapa Pengiriman SMS Masking Gagal?

Why is the Delivery on SMS Masking Failed?

Why is the Delivery on SMS Masking Fail? There are two types of failed SMS Masking, namely Aborted and Failed. Price of SMS Masking Status: Aborted Occurs when the SMS sending transaction has been received by the operator (SENT status), but then the operator fails...

Studi Kasus: SMS/WhatsApp Blast untuk E-Commerce

Case Study: SMS/WhatsApp Blast for E-Commerce

Case Study (9/9): SMS/WhatsApp Blast for E-Commerce. With the right strategy, sellers can take advantage of SMS/WhatsApp Marketing to acquire new customers, increase sales through loyalty programs, and also convey important information....

Tips Meningkatkan Legitimasi dalam Pengiriman SMS/WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Increase Legitimacy in Sending SMS/WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Increase Legitimacy in Sending SMS/WhatsApp Blast. In sending bulk messages, you must use the right strategy so that the messages you send are not considered spam. As in the previous discussion, interaction is key. If...
