NusaSMS Blog

SMS & WhatsApp Blast Solution in Indonesia – Trusted Since 2014

Tips Meningkatkan Legitimasi dalam Pengiriman SMS/WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Increase Legitimacy in Sending SMS/WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Increase Legitimacy in Sending SMS/WhatsApp Blast. In sending bulk messages, you must use the right strategy so that the messages you send are not considered spam. As in the previous discussion, interaction is key. If...

Mengenal Istilah Sender ID

Get to know the term "Sender ID"

Get to know the term Sender ID in Sending SMS Blast. In the SMS Masking service, your brand will appear as the SMS sender (not a GSM number). Therefore, this service is very suitable for Promotional SMS and SMS Marketing. Judging from its name, Sender ID consists of...

Apakah Penggunaan Fitur WhatsApp Broadcast Efektif untuk Bisnis?

Is Using WhatsApp Broadcast Feature Effective for Business?

Is Using WhatsApp Broadcast Feature Effective for Business? With WhatsApp Business, businesses can improve the quality of their services and interactions with consumers. When you want to offer a new product or provide promo information,...

Tips Copywriting SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing Copywriting Tips

SMS Marketing Copywriting Tips. SMS is one of the mass messaging media with an open rate of 98%. So that the results from your SMS Marketing are optimal and not considered spam, make sure the messages you send are relevant and useful to your audience.

Tips Menghindari WhatsApp Diblokir Saat Mengirim WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Avoid WhatsApp Blocked When Sending WhatsApp Blast

Tips to Avoid Blocking WhatsApp Numbers. When Sending WhatsApp Blast Talking about blocking, it is not uncommon for WhatsApp blaster users to immediately send messages in large numbers, even thousands, at a time. As a result: WhatsApp number is blocked...

Studi Kasus: SMS/WhatsApp Blast untuk Pelayanan Publik

Case Study: SMS/WhatsApp Blast for Public Service

Case Study (8/9): SMS/WhatsApp Blast for Public Services. To improve the quality of service, the authorities can create a support center service to accommodate complaints, complaints, and aspirations that the public wants to convey. Apart from...

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PT Telekomunikasi Selular
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PT Visio Informatika

Jl. Jankes AD No. 3 RT 007/RW.002, Kel. Munjul, Kec. Cipayung, Jakarta Timur, 13850
