WACHAT-API is a Whatsapp API gateway service for sending and receiving messages, notifications, schedulers, reminders and tracking with simple integration for your business.

Terms of Use
1) The WhatsApp & Device (Handphone) number used is your own.
2) WhatsApp must stay connected to the internet network.
3) To connect your WhatsApp number with our system, you just need to scan the QR code in our application.
4) If your WhatsApp number is blocked, please re-scan the QR code on our application to replace the new WhatsApp number.
Terms of Use
1) Equipped with API Features.
2) WaChat API can send and receive messages.
3) WaChat API can send text, text + image.
4) 1 (one) WhatsApp number can send a maximum of 1000 messages per day.
5) WaChat API can be used to send Verification Code or OTP.
6) WaChat API cannot be used to Broadcast/Blast.
7) NusaSMS is not responsible if your WhatsApp number is blocked for any reason.
8) If the number is blocked, but its usage has not reached 1,000 messages, then sending messages with a replacement number will be accumulated
9) The number of messages sent is accumulated daily.
*) Prices are subject to change at any time, following company policy