Quick Count
Sebuah metode verifikasi hasil pemilihan umum yang dilakukan dengan menghitung persentase hasil pemilu di tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) yang dijadikan sampel. Quick Count memberikan gambaran dan akurasi yang lebih tinggi, karena quick count menghitung hasil pemilu langsung dari TPS target, bukan berdasarkan persepsi atau pengakuan responden.
Several things need to be prepared to activate the quick count feature:
- The GSM/SIM CARD number that will be used to receive incoming messages can be via SMS or WhatsApp (SMS/WhatsApp CENTER/SMS/WA INBOX). A GSM/SIM CARD number can be prepared from you or using the number provided on NusaSMS.
- SMS credit, can use:
a. MASKING untuk merespon SMS yang masuk pada SMS CENTER dan dikirimkan menggunakan API.
- Biaya Setup Awal Rp 750.000,-
- Biaya Sewa SMS/WA INBOX per bulan Rp 500.000,-
- Biaya Kartu Per Bulan (Bila Kartu dari NusaSMS) Rp 100.000,-
- Kredit SMS MASKING (tergantung paket)
- Kredit WA Unofficial (tergantung paket)
- Hosting GSM/SIM Card at NusaSMS Data Center.
- GSM/SIM Card can be selected from NusaSMS inventory or prepared by you (MANDATORY POSTPAID).
- The credit and validity period of the GSM/SIM Card are your responsibility if the GSM/SIM CARD is from you.
- You use the NusaSMS application to see and reply to your inbox.
- NusaSMS is not responsible if the GSM/SIM Card is blocked by the operator either because it is expired or other things from the operator if the GSM/SIM CARD is from you.
*) Harga belum termasuk PPN 10%
**) All fees are paid in advance (PAID OFF).
***) There are no refunds if you have made a payment.
****)NusaSMS akan mengganti nomor GSM yang dihostingkan apabila nomor tersebut terblokir oleh operator baik karena expired ataupun hal lain dari operator.
Contact our sales team for more information. Or order now!