NusaSMS For Business
Promotional SMS, Campaign SMS, Marketing SMS, Election SMS, Information SMS
Election Strategy With SMS
Election Winning Strategy with SMS.
– Indonesia's population is 250 million
– Active cell phones are 3-4 times the population
– Almost all types of cellphones can send SMS
– 98% of SMS recipients will read incoming messages
– 90% read the message 3 minutes after it was received
– Much more effective than other media
Campaign SMS
Political campaigns require a comprehensive strategy, but in the end,
the battle was won by the masses of voters, won via SMS messages.
Election SMS Rules
One of the key strategies in political campaigns is the choice of communication methods. Reach your potential supporters and voters with SMS messages.
– Organizing visits
– Registering new voters
– Increase voter turnout, and
– Remind supporters of important issues.
Archiving ID Card Data
Archiving ID card data for the election's supporters & voters
One quick way to archive databases for supporters and voters of legislative candidates, governors, mayors or regents is to scan ID cards or other identities.
The most effective way to scan is to use a mouse scanner, because it is portable (easy to carry around) and flexible to scan documents of irregular size.
In addition, the editor software is very sophisticated because the scan results can be converted to various formats. For example: Spreadsheet, Doc, Pdf, image, etc