SMS Marketing Guide
Most brands and companies choose SMS as a must when planning a mobile marketing strategy.
Nevertheless, success in SMS Marketing and a high percentage of ROI cannot be guaranteed. In fact, there are several key factors to consider
by business people so that SMS Marketing can be successful.
SMS Marketing Guide
SMS Marketing: Best Practices
- Opt-in To build a database of mobile numbers.
- Opt-out should always be available.
- Spam should always be avoided. Quality over quantity.
- Messages should be simple, short and clear.
- A clear Call to Action must be in place.
- Ease of purchase must be available.
- SMS messages must be personal and targeted
- SMS messages have to be memorable to remember
- Timing For Promotion is Important.
- SMS from consumers must be answered.
- URL Tracking Feature
Opt-in To build mobile number database
Through opt-in, consumers must give permission before they can be contacted. By using opt-in to build a mobile number database (GSM), both consumers and businesses will get benefits.
- The GSM consumer numbers collected are very relevant and on target. Campaigns/promotions to get an opt-in list of GSM numbers do not have a negative effect on business brand identity as in outbound marketing (which aggressively targets consumers who have never opted-in with SMS).
- Inbound Marketing is slower than Outbound Marketing, but delivers bigger results.
Opt-out must always be available
Through opt-out, consumers can choose not to be contacted.By using opt-out, both consumers and businesses benefit.
- Consumers have choices, and businesses experience increased customer loyalty.
- Consumers who don't opt-out are very relevant and on target, making future campaigns more likely to generate a larger ROI.
- By providing the option to opt-out, the business increases customer satisfaction, brand awareness and fortify the brand identity from negative effects.
Spam should always be avoided. Quality over quantity.
Businesses should avoid targeting non-opt-in consumers or sending large numbers of text messages to opt-in consumers. Such a strategy produces negative results.
- Usaha marketing bisnis yang lengkap dapat menghambat dan berpengaruh negatif,terhadap sumber (channel) kampanye atau promosi yang lainnya.Kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan akan berkurang secara besar-besaran.
- Identitas brand terasosiasi dengan pikiran pelanggan sebagai spammer sehingga laju aktivasi,ritensi dan reaktivasi pelanggan akan menurun.
- Bisnis yang melancarkan lebih sedikit kampanye atau promosi dengan meberi nilai yang nyatakepada para pelanggan yang opted-in akan mengambil perhatian pelanggandan menikmati laju konversi yang lebih tinggi.
Messages should be simple, short and clear
SMS messages must be simple, short and clear and relevant to the consumers they want to target.
- Complicated and unclear messages, with abbreviations, capital letters here and there will reduce the effectiveness of the campaign and will also have a negative impact on the brand.
- A clean, short and clear message will effectively attract consumers and increase awareness about the brand.
- Complicated messages will reduce the effectiveness of campaigns/promotions and ROI.
A clear Call to Action must be in place.
As is the case for every marketing channel, messages in SMS Marketing should always include a call to action (Call To Action) to instruct and provoke listeners to take the desired action.
- Dengan kampanye/promosi yang memiliki CTA yang jelas, bisnis memberikan pendengar yang disasar suatulangkah yang jelas untuk dilakukan dan mendapat laju konversi yang lebih tinggi (konsumer menjadi kustomer).
- Unclear CTA will hinder the effectiveness of the campaign/promotion.
Ease of purchase must be available.
Saat mengirimkan penawaran, adalah penting agar kemudahan membelitersedia untuk memikat konsumer melakukan pembelian segera.
- Dengan menyediakan kemudahan untuk pembelian, akan memikat target pendengar untuk menggunakanpenawaran tersebut secara langsung, menghilangkan untuk berpikir dua kali dan meningkatkan penjualan
- The absence of an easy option to buy will reduce the conversion rate of promotions/campaigns.
SMS messages must be personal and targeted
Konsumer haruslah dikategorikan dalam segmen pemirsa.Pesan yang dibuat haruslah sesuai degan tiap individu dari segmen pemirsa.
- Dengan pesan yang personal untuk segmen pemirsa yang disasar,konsumer akan menerima pesan yang ditujukan kepada mereka dan yang memiliki informasi yang bernilai,meningkatkan kemungkinan mereka akan mengikuti panggilan aksi (CTA) dan akan meningkatkan ROI bisnis.
- A general message that is sent to an audience that is not targeted will result in a lower ROI.
SMS messages have to be memorable to remember
Promotional messages should be memorable and easy to remember and compelling content that attracts viewers and offers something of real value to them.
- Through promotions with valuable information to consumers, it will increase loyal customers, brand awarenes and build a solid brand identity.
- Consumers who receive information with little or no value are less likely to take action on a CTA and will perform a total opt-out from the marketing channel.
Timing For Promotion is Important.
The importance of choosing time to do promotions.
- By avoiding “do-not-disturb” areas and “busy hours” for promotions, you will increase “engagement and conversion rates".
- Promotions during peak hours and "do not disturb" will have a negative effect on the brand and reduce consumer engagement.
SMS from consumers must be answered.
Content is important in inbound marketing and community law in branding, campaigns/promotions are not only about marketing and promotion. Businesses must “communicate” with their customers telling them the latest news and ask for feedback. This will foster two-way communication.
- Through direct two-way communication, businesses improve their brand identity and Customer Experience
- Obtaining valuable marketing data and consumer profiles for future promotion improvements
URL Tracking Feature
In a marketing campaign with SMS, the Track URL feature should be combined.
- Businesses can track conversion rates from campaigns/promotions
- Businesses obtain valuable marketing data for future marketing improvements.