Frequently Asked Questions: WhatsApp Blast

Terms of Use WhatsApp Blast NusaSMS

  1. WhatsApp credit is a message unit sent via WhatsApp with a total of 1-1000 characters (counts as 1 credit).
  2. The maximum size of 1 picture message is 512 KB (counts as 2 credits).
  3. Logo size is 640 x 420 px with JPEG, JPG, and PNG formats.
  4. The format for writing WhatsApp numbers uses the prefix 08 or 62. Example: 08129493XXXX or 628129493XXXX.
  5. Solution in case:
    1. Profile photo does not appear (not updated) on the recipient's WhatsApp.
      Solution: click the sender's profile photo (on contact details) in the WhatsApp application
      (as in the picture below).
    2. The message has been sent but has not been received (tick 1).
      – Make sure the recipient of the message has an internet connection.
      – Unblock the sender's number.
    3. Unable to click the link that was sent.
      – The recipient must reply to your chat first in order to click on the sent link. We recommend including this in your message: “Please reply to this message so that the link can be clicked”. The problem arises if the sender's number is not stored by the recipient so that WhatsApp is considered SPAM.
  6. How to unblock WhatsApp number:
    1. In the WhatsApp application, select the "Settings" menu.
    2. Select "Privacy".
    3. Select “Blocked Contacts”.
    4. Select the WhatsApp number you want to unblock.
    5. The maximum nickname length is 25 characters.

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PT Visio Informatika


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