NusaSMS For Business

Promotional SMS, Campaign SMS, Marketing SMS, Election SMS, Information SMS

Tutorial Whatsap API

Whatsapp API Tutorials

The Whatsapp Blast NusaSMS API tutorial using the PHP, JAVA, Python and Curl programming languages.
Allows integration between your application/system with API for sending Whatsapp messages to your customers: for OTP, bill notification and others.

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Sebar SMS dari File Excel

Send SMS from Excel File

In the midst of technological advances that continue to develop, we must be able to adapt to be able to run fast in providing information. SMS is a technology that is still often used and is an effective means of providing information, such as...

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Menambahkan Awalan 0 Pada Nomor Handphone di Excel

Adding 0 Prefix to Mobile Number in Excel

The Excel application, by default will remove the number 0 in the cell by default (Columns have never been formatted). Suppose we receive contact data with a condition where in the Mobile number column all the 0s at the beginning of the number are omitted by Excel. While the application...

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Strategi Pilkada Dengan SMS

Election Strategy With SMS

Election Winning Strategy with SMS.
– Indonesia's population is 250 million
– Active cell phones are 3-4 times the population
– Almost all types of cellphones can send SMS
– 98% of SMS recipients will read incoming messages
– 90% read the message 3 minutes after it was received
– Much more effective than other media

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